For a small team, we execute many important and high-profile projects for The Knee Society. Oftentimes, it is impossible to draw clear lines between individual responsibilities. To help you navigate and understand whom to contact with a specific question, below is a short list of everyone's main areas of responsibility. You may always contact any one of us about anything related to the Society.
Olga Foley, CAE, IOM
Executive Director
Direct: (847) 595-1732
Mobile: (847) 420-5750
- Overall business and operations of the Society
- Board
- Research
- Members (Closed) Meetings
- Specialty Day (Open) Meetings
- Virtual Fellowship
- Online education
- New endeavors
Jola Tricroce, MBA, GCPM
Director, Education & Meetings
Direct: (847) 595-1733
- All aspects of CCJR® events:
- Industry partner relations
- Logistics
- Technology
- Registration, etc.
- Online education
Cynthia Diaz
Senior Coordinator, Education & Meetings
Direct: (847) 595-1734
- Summer (Closed) Meetings
- Specialty Day (Open) Meetings
- Digital content
Stephanie Gallo
Coordinator, Membership Experience and Special Projects
Direct: (847) 750-6960
- Membership
- Event registration
- DEI initiatives
- General administrative support